Statistics (Adrian Chng)

Calendar - Statistics - Workouts

Exercise Type:

Current Statistics

  Number of Workouts Total Distance Total Duration
  Actual Projected Actual Projected Actual Projected
Current Week
Jun 30 - Jul 06
2 7 23.07 KM 80.75 KM 2:33:29 8:57:11
Current Month
1 31 5.0 KM 155.0 KM 32:20 16:42:20
Current Quarter
Jul - Sep
1 92 5.0 KM 460.0 KM 32:20 49:34:40
Current Half
Jul - Dec
1 184 5.0 KM 920.0 KM 32:20 99:09:20
Current Year
129 258 832.26 KM 1664.52 KM 95:37:41 191:15:22

Historic Statistics

  Number of Workouts Total Distance Total Duration
Previous Week
Jun 23 - Jun 29
4 25.02 KM 2:43:30
Previous Month
19 129.95 KM 15:23:12
Previous Quarter
Apr - Jun
60 412.98 KM 46:22:41
Previous Half
Jan - Jun
128 827.26 KM 95:05:21
Previous Year
275 1886.95 KM 232:11:24