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Crescent Trail Day 9: poison ivy + sunscreen... and malnourished(5:40pm)

July 12, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 95, sunny

started out at like 8min pace, then 8:30, half my after turning back my pace really started to slow. last mile was probably like 10min pace.
avoided a near sunscreen accident, but luckily remembered not to put it on my face (hope i didn't get burned). but your supposed to dry out poison ivy, not add extra oils to it.
started off feeling good. for intact. poison ivy not to bothersome, although i couldn't open my mouth cauz every time i do the blisters on the corners of my mouth break back open.
then, half way thru, started getting rough. was finally able to open my mouth, but soon after i got a camp (that i'm used to ignoring) and heavier breathing. running started becoming a lot of work. and then that stupid bridge and the way back. its totally more unhill on the way back. plus, its uphill thru my neighborhood - by the time i was running thru the neighborhood i gave up any attention to pacing and form.
i only missed skipped two days of exercise - i didn't think it'd be a problem.
i was probably dehydrated since i didn't drink bottles of water like i usually do (as its so painful to open my poison-ivy sealed mouth). i guess i'm also malnourished. only ate ravioli for lunch and had no afternoon snack. luckily i remembered to eat breakfast (dunno why its so hard to remember as its my favorite meal). in the summer since things aren't so routine and i get so involved in what i'm doing i guess i just forget to eat. wouldn't be a big deal if just every so often, but consistently a problem. also don't wanna lose too much weight and then be weak and struggling come cross country. not end of the world, just need to figure out a system to remember to eat before i'm starving.

too tired to note the specific half-mile intervals to figure out exact pacing...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles 34:50 8:42 / Mile Recovery Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe