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the crescent trail run #12 (12-1pm)

July 20, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 91, sunny, very humid (finally actual dc weather)

i guess yesterday i was probably slightly more lethargic than i admitted, but today i feel so revived. my tempo immediately started off brisk and my pace up-tempo. more determined than yesterday.
i mean its definitely hot, but i kinda like it. call me crazy.

first part of be finished at the end

10:30 (4:20/half mile = 8:40 mile pace)
had to get over the hill - that bridge isn't one of the hills that makes you wanna get to the top as fast as you can; no, the sun made it one of those hills that just makes you wanna stop and walk.
when got over the hill, leaned forward. realized i wasn't leaning back as much as yesturday.

14:52 (4:22/half mile = 8:44 mile pace)
there were only one or two more patches of trail taken over my the sun, but was more excited to get thru them the bridge
when i came to the second little tiny bridge (but its flat) the same bridge feeling came over me. i guess it just opens me back up, whereas the trees make for the perfect arrow to my next destiniation. i love how the trail narrows in the distance. and then the next turn will lead my to my next point of destination.
then i turned around.

19:29 (4:42/half mile = 9:24 mile pace)
still pretty up beat
23:04 (including the
this time, actually really determined to get over the big bridge, and was fighting for time. but then about 10 meters from the top, my stomach suddenly gave out and i nearly threw up. i sadly resorted to walking those last 10 metes. i was just so close! damn it. i guess when the sun is directly on me like that i can't afford to race my way up a hill, especially because in this type of situation/heat my stomach can't handle eating a power bar right before i run. got to the top and picked my running back up.

knowing it was a bad to keep going so fast, so a dropped my pace to recovery and finished that incomplete mile form the beginning of the run.

got to the half mile marker and finished the mile to back to the park where i decided it was best to just do 2 striders. felt absolutely great. the breeze immediately took away the heat and i felt strong.

36:44 (5:47...)
decided to just let my legs slowly trudge back home. good idea to have a true cool-down

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.9 Miles 36:46
0.45 Miles 3:59 8:51 / Mile Warmup Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
3.0 Miles 27:00 9:00 / Mile Tempo Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe
0.45 Miles 5:47 12:51 / Mile Cooldown Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe