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longest run ever. for now.

July 23, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

i slept so much last night. it was awesome, and i needed it for sure. headed out at 11ish. it was still cloudy, so it was warm and humid, but not hot yet. halfway through it got sunny. didn't mind that much. brightened my mood. went usual route up north park but then went over to shaker and all the way up to richmond. mapped pretty much exactly to 15, wanted to check to be sure, wasn't sure if i held that good of pace for the whole run. negative split by about a minute. then back. stopped at the xcfh for some water real quick on the way back though. felt really good, and this was a real good one. real tired when i got back, but i felt really good because this is longer than i've ever run, until i hit my long run of 17 in a week or two. i thought this would be a difficult run due to me going on my own, but i managed to occupy my mind and let time pass with ease. saw lots of people today too, must have been glad to see the super heat wave gone.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
15.0 Miles 1:43:29 6:53 / Mile