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old georgetown club: 9:30am (why doesn't this stupid pool open earlier?!

July 24, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Swim

Weather: high 80s/low 90

i guess it was a bad idea to put my fan on last night cauz my body is so sensitive to weather of course i got a bloody nose last night :( i'd been doing so well!

mixed it up today. wanted to give my knee a break so did a lot less breast stroke. i mean my knee was only the least bit irritated, but after watching my mom suffer a busted knee several years ago, i realize there's just no reason to push it. altho i did start of with breast, i got into free-style pretty quickly, then back, then back and forth between breast and free. didn't do as much tredding watter (usually i do several sets of 60seconds but this time just like 30secs...wasn't really paying attention to what i was doing). finally the annoying lifeguards got out of the pool when the little kids came and qickly grabbed my own lane (i'd been sharing one for the last 10min) and got in some butterfly. i think im getting stronger because doing a lap of butterfly wasn't too tiring. maybe i need to push myself harder in the pool now.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
30:00 Interval