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number 1

July 31, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

hall of fame race this morning. same course its been the past 5 years, 5 miles of hatred. i never realize how much i hate this course until i'm on it. warm up with mizer, adunn, big z, crazy dave, and tim. cool down was same minus crazy dave. during the race i was around this kid i used to work with at cici's and seth a lot at different points.

went out a little harder than i wanted. went through 5:28. not by much but still a little hard because its a slightly uphill mile. then went through 2 miles at 10:55. still feeling pretty good, but that mile has a real nice downhill in it. tried not to let myself go too fast down it. at 3 miles i went through at "23:19" according to the guy yelling times. haha, he had something wrong there. i had like 17:05. This was where i knew i was in trouble. the mile was a bit uphill, but not enough to slow me down that much. i still figured i could push to keep that pace and stay around 29:00. try and tempo it in. knew i wasnt going to run fast, the 4th mile is uphill and the long straight one. not fun. b ut at the point we cross the train tracks, i watch as the 10 or so people in front of me all made it, and i dont. yep, a train going by during a race, and clearly the police there did nothing about it. didnt try to stop it. sooooooo. i have to stop and about 20 other people come up on me becuase of this train. thats when seth found me. anyway, i dont know if anyone has ever stopped you during a race, but its damn hard to find your pace again after it. finished in like 30:05, according to my watch, as i stopped it when the train stopped me. dont know what it was officially. 30:36 i think is what i saw on the timer.

i dont want to call this a setback, because i wasnt expecting to run that fast with 15 miles yesterday, late july heat, a hilly course, probably a bad breakfast, and no workouts in me whatsoever, but i wanted to run faster. plain and simple, i just wanted to run fast. and this did not feel fast. 6:00 pace is nothing for me. not how i wanted to start my week.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles 58:58
2.0 Miles 14:09 7:04 / Mile Warmup  
5.0 Miles 30:05 6:01 / Mile    
2.0 Miles 14:44 7:21 / Mile Cooldown