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August 2, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

up to the xcfh to meet ben, and paul joined us. went warrensville loop back to the house where i used the restroom. i wasn't feeling good and usually i would have waited until i got back to the village, but whatever. got some water there too. finished the run by myself. i was expecting it to rain when i started this run, so when it didnt i was sad. i also realized that not only was this a longer run than i planned, but it was probably one of the better 12 milers i've had. went by quick, paul and i chatted a lot because ben was hanging a little bit back, and time just passed by. it also helps that any run from the house has my bonus mileage of getting there to and from the village. so even though i went about 8.5ish with ben and paul, i got 3.5 going to and from the xcfh. drank lots of water back at the village. and my time got screwed up.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.0 Miles 1:26:00 7:10 / Mile