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pilates (i guess it sorta goes under the category of weights?)

August 9, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Weights

not that i'm a particular fan of yoga related activities (i hate it actually), but was able to enjoy this i guess. a bit. felt relaxed afterward anyway. but it was too easy. did work my core tho. it was nice to get back in touch with how my body was feeling and slowing down my movements, i guess.

its rainy - i mean like pouring. so nobody will go rowing with me, or swim in the lake, or go running thru the trails. doubtful that the sun will come out, so hopefully my brother will go to the gym, and perhaps i can then also get him to go swimming (in a regular inside pool): i mean, your already wet, so what's so bad about swimming in the rain? but i have to admit, its much colder here...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
45:00 Easy