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Sucking Wind Part I (and spamming running-log...)

July 20, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

I'm back so now I get to update the running-log wooo!!! Apologies for the spams in advance...

Run with the whole group to Iten's track, a couple laps around there, stop at view point and back. Sucking wind is an understatement of how hard it feels to breath. I wasnt the only one feeling it though which is reassuring I guess? Foot feels surprisingly great on the red dirt/rocky surface. I'm not at the back of the pack (out of 9) but it seems like now the people who want to run will want to go faster. Breathing very very hard but somehow stuck with. 2nd day is supposed to be the worst so well see...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
37:24   Nike Zoom Vomero 5