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SW Eugene Bike

January 18, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: sunny and 28 - 40ish

Woke up this morning at 0645 with no knee pain, thankfully. Just the same, no running today.

After some tea, oats, and comp time, I decided to go for a long bike. I looked up some stuff on Lost Coast centuries, and that got me motivated. Plus it seemed nice out.

Started out "pre-adding on" the North Bank Trail all the way to Owosso, then down to the VRC bridge. From there I busted off south to pick up Chambers, which would take me to Lorane HWY for my loop SW out of town and back on Fox Hollow -- similar to what Behrs and I did on 6/7.

I rode halfway up this MEGA-STEEP hill on Chambers and thought I overshot it, so I biked BACK DOWN it and turned west. Seeing that I was lost I asked a guy, who told that I, indeed, had to haul all the way up and over Chambers.

WOW. That was THE STEEPEST hill I've ever biked up, and it's technically in town! It must've been over 10% grade, at least. It was very tough because of how out-of-shape I am, also. But thankfully just over the top and down a bit led me to Lorane.

The ride down Lorane was a gentle overall downhill to where it meets with Bailey, then a few winding, uphill miles to Fox Hollow. I was tired by then and my pace was lagging, but I didn't care too much.

Once on Fox Hollow I biked a few miles til the odo said >25 and stopped for a pee break and a Clif/water.

It was pretty damn cold today. There wasn't any snow, but there could've been, with temps in the high 20s at 0900 start time. My hands were cold the first 30-40min but improved, but my feet didn't, so at the stop I put in some hand warmers into my shoes, then kept going.

The climb up to the Fox Hollow summit was SLOW and TOUGH, but the energy boost helped. Once atop the highest point, I had a nice ride down Fox Hollow and into town, with maybe 2 slight uphills before bombing into city limits.

Once in town, around Amazon, I ran into a massive brick wall. Figuratively. I completely and utterly BONKED. Probably the worst bonk of all time.

Those last miles, from South Eugene to home in West Springfield were tough. I didn't get dizzy, thank god, but it was exhausting just to lightly pedal. I thought about a stop for brunch at Carson DH but I wanted to be DONE, so I puttered home.

I made it in one piece without much staggering. Just over 40mi and it took a sad 2:40 or so. Not good. I'm mega-unfit, but I guess I'm gonna have to work on that. On the bike, at least.

Ate a bunch of fruit -- good orange, banana, pear, and then a clif with tea for "snack", then showered and napped. GOOD SUNDAY EFFORT! :)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes