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st. albans: weiry state (oh wait, just looked that up...i guess its spelled weary?)

August 17, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

bad day to try and have fun with a faster group cauz i think my muslces needed to recover from 2 runs yesturday. a more steady 40min would have been ideal but that wasn't exactly offered. miss running on my own, but guess i gotta get used to running with teammates. kinda dissapointed cauz was excited to get pushed by the guys. by the end of the run, they were like a block and a half ahead of me, and it was only 20min into the run when they were getting ahead. however, its not like i just gave up. i did enjoy just keeping up a pace with them only half a block in the distance. actually, for much of the run, i enjoyed it quite a bit. i dunno what happened between the end of the run and now, but i'm just frustrated right now. i just need a good nights sleep to refresh myself and clear my head, cauz right now i'm in a weiry state in which my thoughts are dangerously heading down...
lot more hills than used to today, but got thru them fine, just never got a chance to catch up with everyone.
planks. prob ran 4 mi? well prob more but i dunno cauz hills might've made it seem longer. too exhausted by negative thoughts right now. need a new day. just need a new day to remind myself that its just me in this

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles 34:00 8:29 / Mile Training Mizuno Women's Wave Creation 11 Running Shoe