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August 22, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

race number two of my 2011 season. two mile time trial. i'd been pumped for this race for quite some time. i'd been telling myself not to worry about it, and that the two mile was my race, but i still managed to have some nerves. i went in not really shooting for a place, just wanted whatever would get me under 10:00. i knew i hadnt been doing workouts, and hadnt really planned on counting on a kick to make it under, but thats kind of just what i always end up doing anyway. warmed up two miles. stayed back of teh pack relaxing it up. thought to myself that races aren't won during warm-up. did drills and striders and was ready to go. played it as smart as i ever have, went out in a 37, then 74 for 400. then came through 800 at like 2:28. mile was 4:56. 6:11 for 5 laps, and 8:51 with a lap to go. obviously the no speed workouts didnt cause any problems because i finished in a 64. real good. barnes said something to me about 6 and 7 being too slow and i know it happened and that its just a mental thing. i need to hold myself up during the 1/2 to 3/4 range of races better. my kick is always going to be there so i need to get used to pushing it earlier. i was real happy when i finished though. i may have over celebrated but i pretty much waited a year and 8 months to break 10 so i was super duper excited. saw lots of really good races run by lots of people and it was a good day for the team i feel. felt real good about how today went. not getting over confident though, because to be honest, i think the fact that i came in second here was due to a bad day on ethan's part and a good day on mine. looking to be 4-5 on race day until further notice from this note. putting out my goal for now as 26:15 which is a 2:00 pr from last year's 8k!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles 9:56
2.0 Miles Warmup  
2.0 Miles 9:56 4:57 / Mile    
5.0 Miles Cooldown