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NCR Trail Monkton

August 24, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Cool and Shady

Decided to go out with the pack and felt alright til the 4th mile or so then just decided to say fuck it. I was basicazlly running tempo pace and I really wasnt in the mood to do a 7 mile tempo. Picked it up a tinyyyy bit for the last mile or so but I was just really frustrated to see evryone run off like that, especially knowing that I used to be run with them then oputkick them for basically everything we did, ahh well. Thats what track season is for I guess. Strides and strecthed afterwards.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.64 Miles 56:52 7:26 / Mile Fartlek Asics Gel Nimbus 12