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First Tempo

August 29, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

No double this morning. Just decided not to. I'm still figuring out my weekly schedule and when I'm gonna get in doubles. Right now its looking like Tuesdays and Wednesdays. But I might move to Mondays and Wednesdays.

The workout:
The usual 2 mile warmup to MLK and a bit on it. Got ready for the tempo with Kamulsky drills. Right after Coach gave out the groups I asked her about the pacing and she told me that if I got ansy I could go whenever. Started off with the top group of men. Hit the mile in like 5:30 and felt awesome. Chris Wade told me to just to my thing so I went. Felt like I mantained pace pretty well. To be honest I feel like I worked a bit to hard though. I need to be more even with the paces. But I figured out where I need to be for next week and future tempos so I feel like it was a very successful workout.
Sounds like a lot of people were happy with their tempos and the top mens group all finished right together under pace which was awesome.
Striders around the track after. Felt good even though my legs felt kinda tight after the tempo.
Cool down after the srtieder with a mile and a quarter on the field and then the mile back to Veale from NRV.
Static 1, roll, eaglex30, hips
Tempo mile splits: 5:31, 5:19, 5:24, 5:22, 5:25, 5:33
RHR: 46 In 398

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.0 Miles 1:10:27
2.0 Miles 14:08 7:03 / Mile Warmup Brooks Red
6.0 Miles 32:34 5:25 / Mile Tempo Brooks Red
1.0 Miles 7:05 7:05 / Mile Recovery Brooks Red
1200.0 Meters Speed Brooks Red
2.25 Miles 16:40 7:24 / Mile Cooldown Brooks Red