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PRE + Hayward + Hendricks + PRE

January 31, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: high 30s, fog

Woke up at 0600 a bit hung over! Wow.

I immediately thought about my "silly heel" and what was going on: Is it nerve? Or even better, is it BACK?

Slump tests were positive B, but "strong positive" R. On top of that, my prone press up was shitty, as was my R lumbar rotation. So I did a million stretches this AM, and circuits, before departing for the workout.

The plan was to bike to Anytime and lift, but I discovered ANOTHER FLAT on my rear tire. Something's F-ed. So then I decided to RUN.

Rolled the calves out beforehand, and they felt fine through PRE to Hayward. While at Hayward doing drills -- campus was dead quiet at 0900 -- I felt something in my R achilles. I KNOW that this is back, but it still worries me. After stopping to grind one, and doing more back flexibility, I finished my drills with no further issue.

Knee was pretty good, though I felt that odd medial joint line stuff on and off today. I ran up and around Hendricks, then one PRE hill, but on the way down my calves felt trashy so I pulled the plug.

Ran to Phoenix Inn for "breakfast": 3 pieces of good wheat bread with honey and three apples -- the only things that weren't garbage there.

After the run, I went to Anytime and got in a good lift. GOOD DAY


Most importantly, I had a MEGA-HUGE, MIND-BLOWING REVELATION on the run:

It was NOT achilles tendonitis this spring. It was MY BACK! And if anything, if there was some tissue involvement, it only resulted in a "double crush" response.

The Evidence:

- Zero school for 6 weeks (mid-Dec to end of January) = significantly less sitting
- Increase in running mileage/intensity = some tissue stress to B calves, but ALSO stress and stiffening response by the lumbar/SIJ area
- Very cold temps in January/early Feb = increased stiffness
- End of January = School starts = TONS OF VERY POOR SITTING POSTURE
- End of January = onset of track sessions = stressful to back

Pain Symptoms:
- ZERO AM stiffness, or stiffness after inactivity
- NO significant strength deficit
- A feeling of "a rope tied around upper achilles"
- A lack of a definitive tender area
- "Buzzing sensations" at rest (mostly later on)
- Unresponsive to ice, heat, stretching, US, and massage

Is it possible that I had a true tendon injury? Possibly. It's tough to imagine this being pure radicular pain. But INTERESTING, nonetheless.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles