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October 3, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

1000's at that park at the end of mlk. cant remember the name right now. 3.5 warm-up. a little long, but i didnt mind. for the 1000's the idea was to work as a group. a lot, possibly all in some form, of our workouts as the second group have been lead by me and drew, and today i didnt want that to happen, and i think thats what coach was talking about in the meeting. i also think this has been one of my problems racing. i'm so used to being in control of that group, that when someone breaks away i just lose my focus. so i wanted to let things play out. brandon and ben lead the first one. drew had the second, mj had 3, then it was john e, then aaron, then eric, then me, and on 8 we decided no one should lead and we were just going to get after it as a group. leading occasionally just meant getting us out the first 500 to 600 meters, and me or drew or paul curtiss would usually bring it in at the end. i thought this was a very successful workout and i was tired at the end. 3.5 cool down too.
approx times:
3:11, 3:08, 3:13, 3:15, 3:14, 3:18, 3:18, 3:15

i'm going to go back and at least log miles back for the time i missed. i havent logged since preseason i believe. at least not on here. i log on running2win, my high school log, partly because no one here sees it. i've had some real negative logs and some where i just bitch about getting beat by people i dont want to be beat by on our team. nothing personal to anyone, but i know how hard i've worked, and that i can be better than i have been. i've had an up and down season but i am not changing anything drastic about what i do. i will run hard to hit my times on all workouts, and i will not let friday's race change how i feel about where i can be in a couple weeks. my goals will not change. i will run a 26:15, i will be an all region runner, and i plan on lining up next to chris kelly and the gang at nationals on november 19th.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.0 Miles