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October 5, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

had a relatively long meeting with coach before practice today. it was really good, and i think she agreed with a lot of the things i said and it just felt like a really good meeting. she said she remembers from one of our meetings in track that i said i've always done better in track, and i've always liked cross more but it does seem like i perform better on the track. so she said the thing she saw in track was that rarely in workouts was i leading any sort of group. i was always chasing carter or ethan and chris wade. and so she decided to move me up to the top group and just have me hold on to them, at least for the first half of the split tempo. i was sort of concerned that i was going to hard in workouts but coach just thinks i may have been doing a little too much on my own. in most workouts, especially tempos, i've been leading the second group and it makes it harder so she wanted to put me in a position to follow this time. anyway, thats what we decided to do, so i did it.

we had a split tempo today 2 by 3, and i didnt really know what pace the first group was supposed to hit, i was just going to do it with them. stomach felt a little rough beforehand, but i generally dont have problems with that stuff so i ignored it. ran the first 3 miles in 16:25, pretty much running even the whole way, just under 5:30 pace. i zoned in on chris wade's back the whole time, just staring on it to keep myself focused. i probably could have drawn it by the end of that part of the tempo. 3:00 rest, and then we were off again. we went through 800 a little fast, and then it hit me. i really really had to go to the bathroom and my stomach was just feeling awful. i toughed it out mostly because there was no where to use the bathroom for another half mile to hit the mile in 5:26, and then bolted to the woods. it wasnt pretty. not going in to detail. after that i managed to jog back to the start. after that i talked to coach and we decided against the planned 6 by 200, and to just head back to veale for cool down. she was still really happy with the 4 miles i lasted with that group, and she asked had i not felt sick if i could have held it and i said for sure. so i think this in an odd way was a real good confidence boost for me.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles