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October 29, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Gaaaaaah feeling SO much love for this team. This post is going to be incredible gush/corny at some points, but I'm gonna do it anyway mwahahaa
Felt gooood this morning, was debating what to wear underneath and kind of wished I hadnt worn leggings, but no matter. Brief warmup, freezing, sleeting, all that fun coldness, but I was pretty excited for the mud. Started out, feet felt like ice blocks, passed a bunch of girls at the beginning, then steep downhill at the cornfield was really trying to use it but couldnt get control and slipped and bashed my head on the ground. Ouchies. Took a couple minutes to get back into pace, hit pretty hard, but at least it wasnt gravel or wasnt hard. Feet dethawed about 1.5 miles into the race, really used the woods. Then the hill right after we come out of the woods was like deja vu, because theres a hill exactly like that in Kenya that we ran everyday, at that point Sydney passed and I had my eyes on her until the end, but sprinted that downhill. Should have given more on the hill , good finish though, not quite sure on the time but I know it wasnt too wonderful. Jv/varsityb girls did soso well and was quite happy to be the first race!
The rest of the day was running around cheering/helping and whatnot, I've got to say this was probably the most absurd/incredible race I've seen (cant really see myself race hehe). The fact that there werent too many spectators (even team mates/other runners) could have made it a bit odd, and we could have relaxed a bit but no one did. Everyone ran it like a championship race, didnt shy away from the mud, and I'm so so incredibly proud of everyone and so honored to be on this team. Loong stretch at home, toes still defrosting. Sick now, but if I had to choose a way to get sick, today would by my first choice by far =) (anyway it gives me an excuse to be on running-log on a Saturday night hehehe)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
40:00   Nike Zoom Vomero 5