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things just aren't going my way

October 30, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

ran with david around 3:30. we planned somewhere between 6 and 8, but we went further, kind of just going with the run. i felt okay, a little tired, no big deal. my knees didnt hurt, and i was thinking maybe i could go back to running again. but after we stopped it all kind of hit me, and my knees felt worse than they've ever felt. i really don't know what it is and now i have to talk to jess, and i can just feel with the way everything else is going right now, its not going to be good. the last time i had problems with my knees was 4 years ago, and i can't remember what it felt like, but it wasnt like this, and back then it wasn't much, i just took everything a little easier and it got better. clearly that hasnt worked these past two weeks. i really dont know if its like tendonitis or if it could be a stress fracture or anything, but it really didnt feel good today. i just feel really shitty about this.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles 1:04 0:07 / Mile