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Kathy Butler's WO

November 3, 2011 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: beautiful fall day

w/ KB, MK and SW.

"Thurs: 15 min wu + drills / 6 'diagonals' equivalent so approx 110-120m with fast in the middle with approx 75m easy jog between / 2+6+2 / 6 x 1 min with 1 min jog rec at about 5 k pace or a little quicker, core xs / 2+6+2 / 6 x 30 sec at relaxed sprint with 1 min jog rec / core xs / 40 walking lunges / 15 min wd"

Very complex workout but I felt good even though I was sick for most of the day.
Gave KV Daniels Running Formula with inscription

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
15.56 Kilometers 1:12:02 4:37 / Kilometer