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pride, talent, and the 5k

November 24, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

perry rotary turkry trot! not expecting h ow i finished, and it makes me remember how much talent i wasted this year.. i barely ran the last 4 and a half weeks since oberlin, and this happens. and also reminds me how much i love the 5k. enough about that though.. warmed up 2 miles and i actually got really hot. i had a few layers on, but it was much warmer than i expected. shed some layers and went down to the start line. did our huge group huddle of perry runners past and present, and then went to the line. i think there was about 2100 people at the race this year and the announcer said we had people from 20 different states. i started at the line with matt mizer, kind of planning to run with him, as i didnt want to go hard. the race always goes out fast, but i knew this so i didnt get caught up in it. i was in probably about 50th at this point as i didnt go out hard but still respectable. after about 1200 in i started to move up as i had lost mizer, and though i knew he wasn't in front of me, i just kept going. felt good, no knee pain. passed a lot of people i knew in this part of the race except my friend justin, who was running hard for the first time in months since he's recovering from his ankle injury. thought i would settle with him since we'd both not been doing too much lately. mile in 5:15. didn't really realize how fast i was going until i finished. after about a mile and a half i felt good and decided to go for it since justin beat me all of high school pretty much, and i wasn't about to pass up an opportunity, even if neither of us was at max power, to beat him. felt real good through 2. went by in 10:40, so i kept pretty good pace until then. then with 1200ish to go the race pulls out onto lincoln way which i found out was doing its best impression of a wind tunnel for thanksgiving! oh well. i still think i finished pretty hard, but my ears were killing me at the end as i wore a t shirt, shorts, and gloves. shoulda wore the hat. foolish mistake. anyway. i felt real good, i'll probably be sore, and i probably shouldnt have gone this fast but i did. i got 17th, and time was 16:45, which is also my turkey trot pr! ran 16:57 last year, with 16th place i think. i believe i was second on the alumni team, which was pretty cool. i was 2 last year as well, but ty didn't race this year so, someone who didn't beat me last year did. it was david adams who was pretty good in high school about 10 years back, and he only beat me by 20 seconds so i'll take it. cool to see all the alum including the man who got me to run, mitch hogue. real influential guy in my life, so its always awesome to talk to him. iced when i got home, and i'll ice before bed. lots of food and football in between!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.11 Miles 16:45
2.0 Miles Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 16:45 5:23 / Mile    
1.0 Miles Cooldown