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Finally! Back on track..

February 15, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Crisp, Smoke Haze greatly reduced.

Set the alarm for nice'n' early - trying to get a jog in before the smoke haze sets in for the day. The bushfires are still burning, media reports suggest they will for weeks yet :( Nice run, felt pretty good but still with a slight twinge in my right hip/buttock. Not sure if it's gluteus medius at its origin or something else but it's high and slightly to the back. I'll keep an eye on it.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.7 Kilometers 40:00
0.6 Kilometers 5:00 8:20 / Kilometer Warmup  
4.5 Kilometers 30:00 6:40 / Kilometer Training  
0.6 Kilometers 5:00 8:20 / Kilometer Cooldown