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A Sinking Feeling

December 29, 2011 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Dark to sunrise and cool

Apartment, Eldridge, Terry Hershey Park: west to reservoir dike
5:45AM. Sleep: 8 hr. Had a dream that I was on the Titanic last night, rather odd, drills

Reservoir dike
12 * 200m hill w/ downhill recovery and penultimate downhill strider, not my best hill working, starting to think about how to peak for the marathon

Terry Hershey Park: reservoir dike to Eldridge, Apartment
Stretch, core & pushups.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.28 Miles 1:09:17
3.15 Miles 24:11 7:40 / Mile Warmup Adrenaline XII
4.8 Kilometers 21:42 7:16 / Mile Hills Adrenaline XII
3.15 Miles 23:24 7:25 / Mile Cooldown Adrenaline XII