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New Mexico Invitational

January 21, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Warmed up in the bad part of town. Creepy. Strides.

Ran the mile. Fun race.

Started out slow b/c I wasn't sure of my fitness since I wasn't training for the mile. First 200 in 34 and first 400 in 67 or something. On lap 3 put a 31 200 down to move up to 4th or 5th. Mouth got really dry and hands went numb. Strange. Lap 4-6 let leaders break contact. My fault, didn't think I could close with them. Definitely could. Probably could have won race if I would have stayed in contact. Anyways, fell back with Eric and just stayed with him until last 200. Didn't use my kick. Eric got a little ground on me. 4:27 overall. Not bad. Winning time for my heat was 4:21 so I know I could have won. I think I'm in about 4:15-4:17 shape. Hopefully next week at WSU or the week after at BSU I can hit that. Forget the 5k, bring on the mile.

Cooldown with Dave

For anyone that cares, the altitude was 5300ft so NCAA conversion puts my time at 4:21.5 or something close to there. Doesn't matter much though.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.75 Miles 4:27
2.25 Miles Warmup  
1.0 Miles 4:27 4:27 / Mile    
4.5 Miles Cooldown