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4X1200, 4X 400/200, 4X200

February 1, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

30 min warm up

4X1200 @ 3:36 to 3:48, on every 7:00
4X400/200 - 400 @64-68, 30 second rest then 200 @ 32-34, 60 second rest
4X200 @ 32-34 every 90 seconds

1200 - 3:43, 3:43, 3:44, 3:46
400/200 - 67/34, 68/34, 67/33, 73/34
200's - 35, 32, 32, 31

Felt ok. Having stomach problems today. Right glute/inner thigh area still really tight after initial intervals. I hate running in the Laub. No energy return from the turf. Running a 68 or so in there is like running a 63 on an outdoor track.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.0 Miles 0:00
4.28 Miles Warmup  
8000.0 Meters Interval  
1.5 Miles Recovery  
1.25 Miles Cooldown