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YMCA Bridgefest Race

February 4, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 67*, pouring rain, humid, windy

opened with 3:00 1/2 mile, then faded into predictable pattern of 6:20 open with 20 second fades. Hard rain at turnaround. Grace and Mia ran very well: 8:25 for Grace; 8:07 for Mia; PRs for both. My goal was sub-20, I predicted 20:40, but the conditions (and my conditioning) just wasn't there. I did make micro bursts during second half, a technique I need to play with. Felt spent at finish. For the record, my GPS measured 3.17.
(.75 warm-up in 6:23 ir 8:23 pace)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Kilometers 21:15 6:50 / Mile Race Black NB Trail Shoes