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February 8, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

better today.
i was advised to talk. with someone. i havent decided whether im going to take the advise. eventho i kno i should.

practice with varsity team today. it was fun. at first...when we practiced our defense, we pretended they were bullis (who we're playing 2morr). tianna acted as raven (the crazy good tiny bullis poimt guard) and this rediculously tall girl acted as bullis #4 (their shooter). we were doing a triangle and 2 (triangle zone and chasing the other 2). i was chasing the poimt guard....
but then my coach had me guard the shooter (THE 6 2 GIRL!) just in spite of me. as the shortest player on da team, theres no way id EVER be guarding her. ok, maybe he had a little reason for having guard a girl whos 12 in taller than me, but i think it was mainly for his own amusement.
********AND THEN IT HAPPENED*********
the varsity coach blew his whistle in frustration when they didnt pass the tall girl (my player) the ball. and let me tell u, THIS GUY SCARES THE HELL OUTTA ME. and here's what he sad, **** i quote, "i love u katherine, i do, but she would need a step ladder to tie (insert name here)'s hi-tops! ..." i was so embarassed! and my coach couldn't have been happier! he thought it was the funniest thing in the world!
i think its time for revevenge ;)

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