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bball game vs. bullis

February 9, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Other

i played pretty well! i was excited to guard raven. and an added bonus: my coach said he cwould call me raven-eater if i played well. SO much better than all his other nicknames for me - little katheribe (the other is big catherine), puppet, penelope, petunia, and a bunch of others with the connotatiom of me being small. so yeah, i was excited for this new nickname (oh yeah, and he also gave me this other good nickname yesturday: kbronz - i cant believe hes actually caving in!) oh yeah, and another thing that added to my mood: in revenge for yesterday, i covered my coach/teacher's desk in post-its, labelimg EVERTHING. i was thourough. all the keys on his computer, mouse, usb, chair, chair was fantastic. but then he turned it around on me to make me embarassed! so not fair! what he doesnt kmow is that that wasnt nearly my best...
towards the end of the 1st half, i got lazy and started using my arms instead of my feet. i made sure to focus on that 2nd half.
during half time i had rly bad cramps and so felt i was gunna thro up (reason why i miss xc...when ur not all quosterfobic in the steamy lil gym). a teammate suggested that maybe i needed to get a bit of sugar in me - and that made all the dif.
kept up intesity 2nd half. even dribbled the ball almost confidently!
we lost by 10pts. aww well. we played pretty well.

so mid-way thru da game i got rly hurt. i tried to hold it in, but it was clear i was bout to cry. i tried to call time-out, and looked over at the coach...but i guess he wasn't takimg me out...i did run thru the pain decently tho. tried not to make a scene/draw attention to myself. finally did get taken out.
by that point, here's what hurt da most: my nose (remember, itd been hit all those tumes at the beginning of the season and had almost healed), my wrist (remember, i got weak wrists and technically...well i wont hash out the details cauz i dont want my coach finding out and then haveta sit out the last week of da season), and my right middle finger - thats what really hurt. id heartd it crack, a terrible revolting crack that made me cringe. after that, i couldnt dribble the same. i rly couldnt steal from raven so just focused on my feet. hurt just to hold the ball. right now im typong with my left hand (when i tried to bend my finger, which i obviously couldnt,i almost wondered if it was actually a tended thing...). i thought i could just push past it. it would stop hurting eventually. walk it off. but it didnt. the opposite. i mean, heres my philosophy: theres rarely a tru injury (besides like tearing ur acl etc etc). u just walk it off and it heals. hence my wrist i uhhhhhh yeah in middle school bball and never went to the doc for 3 yrs when i found out it never healed so yeah, injury isn't my thing.
but now its so swollen. nomb/tingly so long as i dont move it (hurts too much otherwise), and have "purple bump the suze of a quarter" in the center of my hand, as my mom said. i called dr. brother, who confirmed that swollen=sprain (not break - my mom was ready to take me to the emergency room! oh jeez, not that again!) ice+elevation=good. so thats what ive been doin. it better be fine by mornin cauz theres no way im seein veronica. I. DONT. DO. INJURED.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
0.0 Miles 50:00
20:00 Warmup  