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friday! (practice at da middle scool)

February 10, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Other

More relaxed/fun practice today :)

so uhh my finger didnt exactly heal over nite as hoped...when i woke up itd blown up like a baloon. but actually. i reminded me of that scene where harry potter blows up his aunt, and its her fingers that expand yeah...and it was green on the underside. purple knuckle, purple bruise on hand...but hey, atleast i can now move my other fingers without hurting my middle finger! but actually, the finger is just gross.
it did get better throughout da day, sorta. at least not so green by practice. i was pretty nervous abt how i was gunna pull this the end i just hadta tell my coach and pray to god he didnt make me sit out for a stupid finger. which he didnt! he had me go to the nurse for tape, who almost didnt let me play (!!!!!) but then called veronica and and was a big ordeal but in the end i was alowed to play so long as i saw veronica on monday...we'll c abt that.
i could dribble with my left hand.and i could manage to dribble with the three fingers on my right. shot left-handed when we played knock out...lols...but actually did ok! naw but it was such a joke lol
oh yeah, and my old art teacher thought my assistant coach, who was wheeling around on the floor on one of those kid scooters, was a little boy! it was fantastic!

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