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Husky Invitational

February 10, 2012 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Okay here we go. To start, the team traveled to Seattle on the same day I raced. To top it all off, we left Logan at 5:30 in the morning for some reason. So I had to get up before 5. Got about 2 hours of sleep that night. I always can't sleep very well if I'm leaving really early in the morning for anywhere. So no sleep, no breakfast except for a cinnabon at the airport (bad idea). Got to Washington, spent some time in Bellevue and ate Chipotle for lunch (really bad idea). Got to our hotel at 2 in the afternoon. Team went to do pre-meet at track while Dan, Kyle, and I just stayed at hotel. Left for track at 5:30, kinda tired, didn't feel that good. I blame lunch.

I was the first heat in the 5000 open. Got to watch a gazillion upper echelon runners do the invite section and practically everyone was under 14 minutes. Way fast.

For my race I wanted to go out in 4:45 and just hold that pace. So first couple of laps in and wasn't feeling like I should. Mixing it up in the lead pack for the first half of the race. Went through mile one in 4:45. It was tough, a lot tougher than it should have been. 4:45 pace is barely anything for me on normal day. Kept going, went through 3k and two miles in 8:55 and 9:34. Really tired now, but so far I'm sticking with my plan. Mile 3 was really bad. 5:08 or something for it. Good last lap kick though. Not my full though. Ran a 33 second pr, but was 15 seconds shy of what I wanted to run. All it means is that I need a bigger base coming into indoor next year. It's funny how I ran 15:14, 4:53 pace I felt slow as can be next practically every other runner there. D-1 is a whole 'nother level.

Everybody else did ok. A fair mix of good and not so good. Dan broke the school record for 5k, 14:04. Kyle ran 14:26. Aaron ran a 4:15 mile, Chio ran a 4:08 mile, Eric - 4:18, Devin - 4:17. Hannah broke 5 in the mile.

Seattle is freakin weird though. Some crazy sh*t goes on there. Lots of Koreans too.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.11 Miles 15:14
2.0 Miles Warmup  
5000.0 Meters 15:14 4:54 / Mile Race  
4.0 Miles Cooldown