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Kathy Butler Workout

February 21, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: sunny but awfully cold with the wind chill

Tues: 20 min warmup + strides + drills / 5 x (3 min hard + 3 min jog rec) / core xs / 2 x 30 walking lunges with 2 strides after each / 20 min warmdown

with KV. Okay so we both missed the 4th interval when KV has a major stitch and I had some plumbing issues. But overall, not at a bad workout. Probably would have been better had I been able to go to the loo before it.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
13.3 Kilometers 58:30
5.0 Kilometers 22:00 4:24 / Kilometer Warmup  
6.2 Kilometers 26:30 4:16 / Kilometer Interval  
2.1 Kilometers 10:00 4:45 / Kilometer Cooldown