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fits friday!

February 24, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

ran by myself after a pretty chill friday in general. ben and i stayed at leutner for a real long time just killing time, then sat up on the balcony for a bit, before he headed out with the girls, and then i eventually headed out on my own. just did lee loop today and did a little progressive run, but not really on purpose. i just started slowly because i was kind of cold. i didn't wear tights, and the wind and hail made it a bit colder than expected. but as i warmed up on the run and i thought about the next time i'd be racing i sped up. it was a real good run, and i just got things done. then stretched, and timed toby for his workout since no one else was there. he just did 500, 8:00 rest, then 300.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles 40:49 6:48 / Mile