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March 3, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

ran my progressive run by myself this morning at like 10:30ish. i wanted to wake up early to do this and get it out of the way, but my alarm was apparently set for mon-fri... so i woke up around 9:45, ate something small and headed out. it was pretty chilly and david loaned me some running pants, since i left my tights at veale. they were really nice. i just went up shaker to shaker crest blvd, because i mapped out where each 4 miles would be where i had to pick it up. i started out pretty slow, like 7:45ish, and then picked up to around 7ish, then down to just under 6 pace. coach said she wanted me to go pretty hard on the last 4, but it was hard because it was real windy, and i was running into the wind the whole way, but i definitely had the really hard effort going. i was real tired when i got back. i also had two long runs this week because of this. oh well. it worked out. took a nap.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.14 Miles 1:22:48 6:49 / Mile