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wind and wining

March 6, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

had the workout today, at 2:15. i thought i'd be by myself but mercer was there at the same time, so we did it together! coach just wanted 6 miles at 6:00-6:05 pace. it didnt seem too hard but it was real windy, and we found out that wind was in our faces the whole way back... anyway, we did 1 mile warm-up because i was going to be crunched for time, and drilled. went through at 5:45, 5:53, 5:59, 6:02, 6:09, 6:10. the beginning was a little fast, but i think no matter what, the way back would have been slow, because it was so windy. then cooled down to veale, 2 times 400 at below 70. 69 and 66, so it was pretty good, but sophia almost killed me and mercer. we were going around the football players because it was no big deal, but while we're passing them she yells "watch lane 1!" and then one jumped out right in front of my and i probably would have died if not for my nimble feet, because me + football player doesn't end well for me. then like 3/4 miles on the grass outside veale to end.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.5 Miles 1:03:00 6:37 / Mile