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started off girls team

March 8, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 72, fairly cloudy

part 1: girls team warm-up, 20min jog to fort reno, anthony talk and highest point in branched off...leaned towards distance runners....
part 2: ....and then i branched off as well (on my own). it was what i needed. very enjoyable. finally i got to just enjoy the fresh air...started off brisk. wandered. just picked different lost at one point...but somehow i ended up doing this very convoluted loop and ended up passing yuma - lucky i discovered that street last friday - so i thought if i went down that street i was bound to run into the familiar area by gds at some was mostly an incline and only a few blocks up yuma (prob like 14min left to my run) i dropped the pace to steady (also realized that i didnt wanna go too crazy as i really am not in shape yet). soon i felt the itch of a cramp coming on, but it didn't bother me. cramps dont so much bother me - i mean yeah sometimes the painful ones are annoying during a long tempo workout - but they give you something to push past, like a hill...ok yeah ur prob thinking im crazy about now, so i'll just drop the subject lol.
weaved around another loop and i think i passed chesapeake at some point? oh yeah, i did! it was at the very end! did u kno that chesapeake is the street right behind ft reno?! ok u prob did - but i didnt! or wait, i think that was the im all least i remembered yuma - which, btw, tot saved me from getting completely lost (i was about to find the nearest police car and ask to make a call...oopssss)

so i took my last two tests of the week today, and im quite relieved to say my weekend has begun. (and i can finally enjoy some quality time with my brother who came home on tuesday but tonights the first time i've even had time to talk to him...thats gunna change)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
47:00 Cruise GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6