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Kathy Butler Workout

March 15, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: windy

15 mins warm up
8 X long stride
10 X 90"/90"
2 X 30 lunges, 2 strides
20 mins cooldown

with KB and PB around QV Lake. Was moving much faster when we weren't facing the wind. On the intervals into the wind, you would be fatigued 40 secs in. But that's okay, great effort today. Could really feel it by the end of the cooldown.

Had a smoothie at their place.

Time and millage are estimates (but the distance is based off Kate's Garmin)

"Someone to love,
Somebody new.
Someone to love,
Someone like you."

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.4 Miles 1:14:00 4:25 / Kilometer