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the long awaited...CHERRY BLOSSOM RUN

March 19, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 75, cloudy

ok I can't help not writing a long entry tonight...i've been trying to keep it short, as i do have hw and the week before spring break is the busiest of 3rd quarter (and really one of the few actually busy weeks in a longggg while) - and my entire science class hearing about my logs has made me log-entry conscience - but alas, my studies and embarrassment will be sacrificed (hopefully not too much). i think i'm going to regret this...

to my absolutely surprise, my coach announced, "to katherine's house!" i didnt even have listen to his explanation to know exactly what he was talking about (inside joke). we were going on the annual cherry blossom run - and i was nervous that we were having some sort of work out! it was a good surprise :)
i no longer cared that we'd wasted quite a bit of time waiting for the guys and dawdling. i forgot about all the tests i had. i forgot about the application/sign-up due dates. i forgot about school all together. :)
oh yeah - and i completely forgot - MATT WAS THERE!!!! ahh matty! he was very much missed :) of course we HAD to tell him about me saying "Im going to chicago, but thats not near illinois" during today's warm least he doesn't judge. wait why am i writing this...debating whether to delete...
the run TO the cherry blossoms wasn't quite as enjoyable...the major streets and all its lights...the little sidewalks with not enough room...
FINALLY we were there :) just picked a roote...weaved in and out the neighborhood (literally - ended up accidentally hitting main roads...i guess thats what happens when ur not paying attention and you make impulsive decisions about where to go...being impulsive was a nice change tho. thats what this run is supposed to be like).
was so caught up in conversation that forgot to appreciate (i mean REALLY appreciate) the paused for a sec mid-conversation, and just looked up. we were on a lesser-known back street, so all human-related noise was near silent. the canopy of baby-pink blossoms ahead was much fuller than i expected - i always thought this street had more newborns (baby trees hinder the arch - self-explanatory i think). i wondered how many trees would have to be cut down and replaced while im at college and how dif things'll look (i'm not ready to go to college yet!) ... and then we continued our conversation where we left off.
earlyr id wished it was blue skies and hot - thats my kinda weather. but i was realizing that i was enjoying the current weather and that i shud just appreciate thats its not cooler like it usually is this time of year. (altho winter does have a lot more options is so much better in the winter. its a fact.)
was realizing that we'd been running WAY longer than i led us in a loop that i thought would be a little shorter...and well we ended up running a bit longer than planned...woooops? it was so nice to forget time for a while tho!
we took a dif route back to school - not my idea...that hill on - wait, i kno this, i go down that street every day, oh yes - river road kinda sucks. that hill isnt all that steep, but its long. you can't see the top. its blocks and blocks. you get about half way up and ur like wait why did i go this way again? i was totally fine - not exhausted, not sore, felt great - until half way up that hill. but then it was over and we were almost back to school :) antho bitter sweat cauz that also meant the cherry blossom run was over...
anthony def made my day :)
ok now i'll study for that math test i have...ok no i wont, but i'll at least do a few physics problems since i haven't even started it....ehhh....wait what am i complaining about? i actually like this unit, i like light. (5 problems later) : ok, well first let me complain a little bit...
acedemic rant: stupid due dates - they make me rush and get all confused and think i dont understand anything when if i just had time then i could calm down and just do it! stupid assignment book - i hate having to be so organized - it makes me feel so confined and i just wanna relax and learn (that is why we go to school right?) stupid babo. stupid arithmatic. stupid negative signs! stupid decimal places - i keep getting off by multiple of 10 and its so f.... annoying! (there was this one prob that told me to express c in ft/nanosec and suprisingly evnetho i suck at algebra i was actually only off by one decimal place...and it didn't even tell me "off by multiple of ten" - when IT ACTUALLY WOULD HAVE BEEN HELPFUL).
i feel much better now.
ok ready for hw! wait its 8:30. bed time! i mean i have a test tomorrow, so i need to go to bed on time. i guess i can't do any more phys, or review math...wooopsies :o L.I.G. (life. is. good.)

but i really like the song im listening to. i think i'll wait till the song is over. then i'll go to bed.
Maybe...wait no she wud never listen to this song. But...perhaps...yes...yes I do think he wud tho. But I've already proved myself pathetic at guessing ppls music taste so I'm not gunna wager on that...ok the song is over :( nite!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1:05:00 Cruise GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6