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wandering by school

March 20, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 72 - cloudy, then the sun came out

today was ok - just getting thru the day. pretty decent actually. ...but somewhere btw 8:15 and 3:15 things went downhill...i guess thats what sour patches and best friends are for.

run wasn't completely bad. there were parts that were kinda enjoyable...had one good down hill. anyhow, im refreshed now. sorta.

i guess i've settled on running tomorrow. i guess its just a work-out, and i dont want to go thru an entire week without one. i mean this'll be my first race since fall, so we'll c how it goes...hoping the neves dont get the best of me...i think i remember someone once telling me, "great athletes have short memories." so forget about my last meet - luckily for me, i cant even remember my last meet! ;)

i cant talk. its terrible. i never say what i mean. i always get so confused and end up looking like i have no idea what im talking about. i'll give the completely wrong impression. and often end up even confusing myself. i think i need to stick to paper. luckily english class gives me that option. unluckily, life doesn't. (not usually anyway...i cant just stop mid-conversation and say wait let me write down what im thinking for you - can u imagine? yeah, no. ... ok before i really start rambling, i'm going to stop writing.)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
35:00 Steady State GEL-EXCEL33 Storm/lightening/neon pink size 6