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Threshhold Workout

March 24, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: sunny day in BP

20' warm-up (last 6' at steady state)
drills and strides
20' @ LT on 5' loop with a 30" hill
lunges and strides
cool down - cut short to get ,home early. Busy day.

It could have been the ice on trail, lack of sleep, self-medication, grief, or seeing you-know-who on the trails during the warm-up... but I couldn't get my heartrate up into threshold. But I was getting in the loop at 5 mins even with the ice on the trails so that's good news for my pacing.

Distance Duration Pace HR Avg HR Max Interval Type Shoes
13.6 Kilometers 55:01
5.1 Kilometers 22:00 4:18 / Kilometer Warmup  
5.6 Kilometers 20:01 3:34 / Kilometer 165 174 Tempo  
0.4 Kilometers 2:00 5:00 / Kilometer    
2.5 Kilometers 11:00 4:24 / Kilometer Cooldown