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Didn't Think It Through - Walk

March 26, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Walk

Weather: Indoors

Apartment Gym Treadmill

5:15AM. Sleep: 6.5 hr. Realized as I fell asleep last night that I should probably do any early morning jog/walks in the gym for safety reason, not really a bad neighborhood per se but my speed and gender are my only protection on a run, uneventful, even time split, physical therapy, stretch.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1.3 Miles 20:00
0.5 Miles 7:30 15:00 / Mile Easy Adrenaline XII
0.5 Miles 7:30 15:00 / Mile Easy Adrenaline XII
0.3 Miles 5:00 16:40 / Mile Cooldown Adrenaline XII