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from far away

March 26, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

fartlek up northpark. we were without coach who had an award dinner to go to. so just went at 4ish with chris, david, wyatt, ben and paul. we were supposed to do 30-40 minutes total running with 3 minutes at 5k pace, then 2 minutes rest pace. coach kind of threw the workout together fast because of the dinner, so i don't think she realized how hard it would have been to do that workout when we did 3 1000's at that pace with 3 minute rest just a few weeks ago. so we decided to just run hard enough and not worry about going too hard. did the first 4 as a whole group, and then paul and ben and I turned around since we were only going to do the 30 minutes. i wanted to be cautious with my knee, but i think its something i'll be able to run through. hopefully. it hurt less than friday, but was noticeable during the run. i'm going to keep up the icing and just hope it goes away. maybe its just a parallel thing to like rolling an ankle, and it will get better with time. just going to be careful. didn't do the lift because it was all jumping stuff. ice bath felt real good though. my legs were a little fatigued. i think before the days off this weekend it had been a while since i took a break. hopefully another reason my knee was bothered. i'll keep a close eye on it. not going to throw my work out the door yet. i'm in good shape and still pred on friday, so i'm on my way up.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles 1:00:00 6:39 / Mile