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my friend, its been a while.

March 23, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

vmi race. the weather was real nice. it was pretty hot during the day, but it was dark by the 5k, and cooled down to near perfect temperatures. i was in the first heat which was the slow one. i was actually the first seed, so it kind of sucked, as coach (and me really) kind of wanted me in the first one. she tried to get me in, but it wasn't that big a deal anyway. oh well. warmed up with chris even though we were in separate heats. during warm up my knee felt a little funny. it was kind of a dull pain. i dont really know how to describe it. i'm not very good at ever describing how pain feels. it was just uncomfortable. did drills and stuff and got ready for the race though. felt good, and started out in a pretty good pace. coach was only going to yell splits at me whenever she deemed it necessary, so not very often. she only ended up telling me my two mile time i believe. went out in about 4th place, letting this group of 3 sit a little bit in front of me for a few laps and then reeling them in. i think just before the two mile i took the lead, but it wasn't a forced surge or anything, it just seemed like the right moment to do it, and it kept me on the pace i was going. hit 2 mile at 10:04 and coach told me i was doing great but at this point was when i kind of realized how much my knee was bothering me. kind of a thing i could only ignore for so long. i slowed down a lot at some point. like immediately. the group that i was just behind before passed me and immediately kept going and i was by myself for a while. finished a little faster than what i had gone for most of the last mile, but still not feeling too great. talked to coach about it real quick. walked a lap on the infield, and started some light jogging while watching chris's race. it felt a little better after i iced it, but i'm not sure what's up. different pain than i had after cross. can't decide if thats a good or a bad thing. taking tomorrow off, and going to try and cross train sunday, and see what's up on monday. icing a lot too. here we go again.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.11 Miles 40:21
2.0 Miles 15:45 7:52 / Mile Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 16:06 5:10 / Mile Race  
1.0 Miles 8:30 8:30 / Mile Cooldown