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flavor blasted

April 7, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

weird day. sat around all day waiting for the 5k. we got to the meet at about 11:45, and the race started at 8:35. weather was weird. it was really sunny, but the wind brought a coolness to the air, but it seemed like pretty good weather for racing. we took anyone who was healthy to this meet, so there was no shortage of distance people, who all pretty much ran well. all 3 of us in the 5k also all made all ohio, even though i had already qualified. anyway, after warm up with chris wade and chris kelly, we did drills kind of on our own. i felt pretty good, and was pretty calm, even though i was a little nervous. we lined up and i knew the race would probably go out fast. it was split up into two heats, and we were all in the fast heat. so the race went out quick like i expected and i pretty much immediately assumed last place. i wasn't worried, and i heard coach yelling to stay calm, or something of the sorts, so i did. went through the first lap in last, at 73. which is still actually faster than i wanted to go out. oh well. it worked. through the next few laps i just kind of hung in the second pack as it had separated into two groups. i was passing people, and i don't remember when but sometime before the mile i moved into position right behind this ONU guy who seemed to be running my desired pace. i used him for a few laps, just staying right up on his shoulder, or directly behind him. we were reeling in the stragglers of the lead group. before the two mile, maybe a lap before, i went ahead of this onu guy and reeled in two more guys who were falling back, and i hit the two mile in about the same time as i did at vmi. from this point on, i just held position as the guy in front of me was a good 50 meters ahead of me for the rest of the race, and even though i didn't really think about it, catching him was pretty out of the question. i still managed to negative split this last mile. makes me feel like i have more in me, if only my knee felt 100%. split pretty well though. it just happened to work out that way with the race, not that i was trying to perfectly split it, it just happened. i went through mile at 5:00, 2 mile at 10:05. 15:40.05 at the finish. my knee was hurting for about the last mile or so of the race. same as vmi, i just handled it better. gotten used to running with it during practice i guess. it just seems like the longer its under the stress of hard running, the more it hurts. i'm pretty good for about 2 miles, but after that it starts to hurt. i think maybe a longer warmup could help. oh well. i will certainly take the race. nice to finally break 16, and i guess i will never break my old habit of dropping huge chunks of time, because i dropped 26 seconds. i just need to get some consistency. story of my life. should be happier about this race, but we'll see how the knee feels later this week.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.11 Miles 47:10
2.0 Miles 15:45 7:52 / Mile Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 15:40 5:02 / Mile Race  
2.0 Miles 15:45 7:52 / Mile Cooldown