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April 2, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

did the 10k workout with tim today. tim was excited to have someone to run with, and i finally did a 10k workout. I've done a few of them, some of them modified, but I really haven't done many of the real 10k workouts, at least that i can think of right now.. was 2.5 times 2 at a little bit of a relaxed tempo pace with 2:30 rest, then jog to the outdoor track, and 2 times 800 at "very optimistic goal pace" with 3:00-4:00 rest. the tempo actually felt very relaxed, which surprised me a little. not that i didn't think i would do okay, i just felt more relaxed than i was expecting. it was a good thing. we don't do as much tempo work, and it feels like we always just do tempos at race pace, so today as a whole was a nice change up. it was windy on our way out, and at our backs the way back. we did a pretty good job pacing, except for the first mile of the second section, which was a little quick at 5:30ish. i think it was because of the switch to the wind at our backs. then jogged to the track, where the 800's felt nice and smooth. i forgot my watch again, so i was just going on feel. tim was a few seconds behind me on both, so i was really just pacing for myself at this pace. i wasn't too tired during or after these too, so it was a real good.

the race plan as far as i know from this point, is 5k (for sure) at Marv Frye this saturday, very likely the 10k at All-Ohio next week, and then back to the 5k for conference. things could change at all-ohio and conference. if i have a real good race at marv frye, i might want to do the 5k at all-ohio, to run with good competition and maybe have my legs a little more fresh for conference. i'm also honestly a little scared of the 10k. not like i won't do it, but its a long race, and clearly not something everyone does. i think its a little bit of a good thing. i think it will force me to race it smart. and it could play out that i end up doing 10k at conference 2 ways. 1. if i do really well at all-ohio in it, and 2. there are currently 5 possible people for 4 spots in the 5k, assuming we take all 4, which i'm relatively certain could happen. its going to take some better racing from two people i'm pretty sure i can beat, and maybe some poor racing on my part, but could happen, so i'm just staying open to running that at conference. looking forward to these meets, as they will give me a break from these hectic last 5 weeks of classes and exams. hard to believe i'm so close to be being done.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles 1:15:00 6:49 / Mile