June 1, 2008 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Did a race.
2 mile warmup
mile cool down
Went out to bel air town run 5k, wasn't sure if I was going to go hard or not until after first 100m of race. Did it in trainers, lots of humidity, 13 days of training since lots of time off, without running yesterday, and not eating/hydrating right at all. First mile was easy and slow around 5:12. Second mile started climbing hills but also going down, was ok but breaking around 1.75. Third mile killed me, literally could feel the weight of training shoes, shit sucked.
Ran a 17:02 halfassing though with no plans of running, not bad for no training.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
6.1 Miles | Brooks Axiom 2 |