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rainy days

April 14, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

2nd week in a row 5k at OWU. it was scheduled to go off about an hour earlier than last week but the meet didnt run that fast, and led to it going off at about 8:00. my stomach had been giving me some issues all day, and i rarely have this problem, so i don't know what was up. it didnt really bother me during the race though. warmed up real well. it had been raining all day, but stopped just before our warmup, and didnt rain at all during our race! track was still wet though. the race went out a lot slower than last week. the group just went slower, and i was somewhere in the middle with chris, wyatt and tim. we went through the first 400 in 76. then me and chris kind of picked it up the next lap, and i heard it was about a 73. then settled in just off the lead pack. i was probably in 10th or so here. went through mile in 4:59. good but not exactly where i wanted to be, so i moved up to the front pack to try and settle in on their pace. was tripped up a few times between the mile and two mile by this same kid, and it was real annoying. i wasn't cutting him off or anything he just kept kicking the bottoms of my feet. i wanted to hit about 9:55 for the two mile, but i was just sitting behind this group, and 10:02 is what we hit. i was in about 6th at the two mile i believe, and soon after, i could feel that the leaders were letting this race turn into a sit and kick. as much as i will take this next time i race at conference, here i didn't want it, so i made a move up into first. in my head i knew that jake smith from jcu was going to be able to run faster, but he wasn't right then, and someone had to make the move if i was still going to pr. so i did. led about a half lap or so, before he threw it down and dropped the rest of us. he's experienced and quite frankly better, so i tried not to let this affect me. but i fell back into 6th again for the next few laps, i was beat during the last mile, and really feeling it. finished pretty hard the last hundred or so to squeak into 5th, and barely miss 4th. pred by 2 seconds, and it was really solid to just get a consistent race out of myself. i feel like if i didn't have to make that move to get the pack back on a faster pace, i could have ran a tad faster. i also think if i didn't make the move, i may have been able to get second in this race. i was in waiting until i made that move, and i could have just sat back and let the race happen. but i wanted the pr. i'll save the race strategies for next week. solid day overall. i know at conference i wont have to lead anything or be worried about not pring and scoring. if i score, it will certainly be a pr, thats for sure. and thats what i'm going to do. sit and try and score. going to rest up these next two weeks.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.11 Miles 47:08
2.0 Miles 15:45 7:52 / Mile Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 15:38 5:01 / Mile Race  
2.0 Miles 15:45 7:52 / Mile Cooldown