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April 16, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

had a tempo. ran with david early since he had a scholarship dinner to go to. i felt like shit. it was hot and windy, and my legs were trashed. coach told me after my race saturday i looked really tired the last few laps. even though i ran well it took a lot out of me. felt it today, but coach said to just let it be, and not push too hard, so i just accepted the 6:00ish tempo, even though i was aiming for about 5:45. it was just 20:00 too, so it could have been worse. slept from 6:45 until 9:00, and then 11:30 to 9:30 that night. so i got some recovery.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.0 Miles 57:00 7:07 / Mile