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April 28, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

10k debut. i wasnt that nervous, and i thought there was no way i could have been better prepared to run my best in this race. i was certainly in peek shape, and the end result of this race is, i know i can run considerably faster in a meet i'm not trying to score in. i was frustrated when i finished, and kind of a little more as i write this. after all that tim told me, and what i saw of carter last year, this race didnt make me as tired as it should have. good news for cross country. in fact very good news. i'm not one hundred percent positive on my 8k split, but i'm pretty sure it was under 27:00 which is definitely a pr. long time coming, haha. but back to the race, it went out so hard. i was trying to be smart but be competitive at the same time. i stayed in last for quite a few laps, but still went through the mile in 5:05.. 5k pace!!! i don't remember many other splits, but looked up at the screen when i hit 5k, and saw somewhere around 16:10. probably a little fast. my goal was mid 32:30, so that's not bad for the 5k split, but considering i was already slowing down quite a bit, it wasn't good. i was alone for large portions of the race, and when i had people to run with i just wasn't focused enough. its a long race, and i don't know if i was ready to think about racing for 33 plus minutes. there's an odd combination of feelings from this race. i was happy to finish my first 10k, angry at my mental state during the race, and a little disappointed in my position of the race. it was a small race, and competitive, but getting second to last isnt ever fun. it was a pr since it was my first race, which is kind of cool. i'm the only returner on the guys side next year who will have run the 10k. to be honest, i think i might always be a 5k guy, but with some extra practice, i'd like to successfully pull the double next year. i didn't do the 5k the next day. i wasn't wrecked, but my hamstring was tight, and coach said if i didn't think i could pr, i shouldn't race. but what sucked was THE WHOLE RACE in the 5k went out in 5:08. slower than my last place start in the 10k. ouch. i honestly think i could have matched chris kelly's race if i were fresh. not that rubin could have predicted how each race would occur, but i think i could have scored in the 5k. what's done is done. i got my experience at the conference meet, and had a great weekend. and the team did so well. i love watching 4 by 400's that matter! and that 4 by 800 was sick! there have been rare moments in my life when i was more excited to watch two races, than those two. good weekend.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.5 Miles 1:00:00 7:59 / Mile