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South EUG/Amazon Tempo

May 3, 2012 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Did some walking at lunch, emphasis on "marching"/rolling feet with emphasized DF. SORE AS HELL! My God is that still sore! Did about 7 blocks, walked to the arcade. Did some STM and US at lunch.

Afternoon at work: not very sore.

Did a run + tempo after work. Took ibuprofen BEFORE the run, on an empty stomach (bad decision). Did 2mi with the fellas (LB, Dan-O, T-bag), worked on "the push" (R LE push, L LE drive + recovery). Felt excellent on the WU and x4 strides. Dan-o and I did 3mi "watchless".

Felt VERY STRONG and sustainable - easy breathing most of the time, worked on the turnover/heel recovery and landing beneath COM. Some shin soreness but not bad. It actually feels like it's creeping more proximal (=good thing, per the "Hartnett Rule"). The splits:

5:46, 5:47, 5:41.

I could've done 2 mi more in the 5:30s w/out much effort.

Post-tempo: easy 1mi jog, very little soreness. Did x10 pull-ups.

Post-run: long convo w/mom, iced w/ice cup (mod hard). Not very sore in the PM! :)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles