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alley oop

May 13, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

felt good to be back. ran at like 10:30 shortly after i woke up. it was warm and sunny out, and i felt pretty good. saw tons of people out running or walking. saw drew near the first lake. i started kind of quick, mostly because it has just been so long since i did anything. i was going to do some cross training last week, but never did. i figured that I'm starting two weeks earlier than last year anyway, so it shouldn't be that big of deal. thought about my conference race and the track season as a whole. i feel really positive about it, so i'm just going to roll that into the summer here. had my meeting with coach and i'm going to peak at 75 this year, hitting it for three weeks in late july/early august. excited for the summer! start work tomorrow...

and i signed up for the first annual canton half marathon on june 17th. 5 weeks from now. not going to train for it at all, just do my mileage plan for cross, it will essentially be my long run for that week, and i will probably race it though, because i can't run a race and not run hard. plus i think there might be a chance i can place pretty high, since it is the inaugural year. we'll see. i'm excited for it.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.54 Miles 36:42 6:37 / Mile